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Our entire family sleeps with a weighted blanket now. I would have never imagined that. Years ago I learned about the benefits of weighted blankets. They are often used for children with sensory issues due to their calming abilities. The many benefits sounded like music to my ears. My mother had also heard about weighted blankets in a round about way through her doctor. She has fibromyalgia and her doctor suggested sleeping with a comforter with magnets sewn into it. She didn’t notice if the magnets helped, but she really enjoyed the feeling of the WEIGHT of the magnets.
Some of the Benefits of Weighted Blankets:
- Improves Sleep Quality
- Helps with Sensory Processing Disorder, Autism, OCD, Panic Disorder, and more
- Recreates a Hug (yes, please!)
- Reduces Anxiety
- Fights Stress
- Improves Focus for ADHD
- Eases Restless Leg Syndrome
- Helps Fibromyalgia Pain
- Promotes Calm
- Decrease Anxiety in Pets
I often looked at weighted blankets, but never pulled the trigger. I was too concerned that it would do nothing for me, that I would choose a bad brand, or that my husband would roll his eyes at me for basically placing a weight between us. Not a cool wife move. So I placed a small one on my wish list one year and my mom ended up buying it for me.
My husband was definitely skeptical. And then he was NOT a fan of it on the bed. It created a great divide, and was somewhat noisy if I had to fight it to get out of bed to pee at night. Serious problems.
For me, however, it was great. It was super heavy if you tried to move it around, but once laying on you, it doesn’t feel super heavy at all. Just a nice, relaxing, gentle weight. I have used it off and on for years, struggling with knowing it bothered my husband, as well as struggling to keep it well placed on only one side of the bed. Eventually I started looking into getting the boys their own blankets.
Weighted Blankets for Kids
When I started researching it for the boys, they were only 2.5 and 4.5. I knew my oldest could use it for calming his body after highly active or emotional days. I also worried he’d use it as a weapon against his younger brother. They share a room and love to get rowdy. I decided to take the chance. I researched on Amazon and found the perfect one that claimed to have both “hot” and “cold” sides, and in a good price range. On the wish list it went.
Using one for my 2.5 year old gave me pause, because he was lighter than what most places suggested for a weighted blanket. You’re suppose to do about 10% of your body weight, maybe plus a few pounds if you are comfortable. I was not comfortable adding any weight for my 2.5 year old. Eventually he hit 30 lbs and I found a 3 lb blanket to add to his wish list.
Perfect Timing
When shelter-in-place began, our schedule got thrown off a bit, and bad weather kept us indoors more. I knew sleep would take a hit, and it did. Either one or both of the boys were up at least once a night for weeks. So when my husband and I started thinking about Easter gifts, I proposed weighted blankets. Because I’m the cool mom who loves practical gifts. Maybe I will pass that on to my boys. They received more than just the blankets, but they did actually really like them. They were a little bit smaller than I hoped. Only because I worried they would have difficulty putting them back on if knocked off, but so far they have been great.
I purchased the MAXTID Weighted Blanket for Toddlers and Kids on Amazon. A 3 lb one for my 30 lb almost 3 year old and a 5 lb one for my 50 lb almost 5 year old. I ended up with the same color due to availability, but you can EASILY tell the difference between the two blankets. The 3 lb one does have weight to it, but very subtle, so I’m not worried at all about my little guy using it. They have a minky side for warmer sleep and a smoother side for when it’s hot. The boys love the fuzzy minky side. It is a bit small for my 5 year old, it just barely covers him. Both boys have always slept with more than one blanket, so we just lay a thin blanket on top as well.
I feel like they do sleep better. The only real problem I have lately is my youngest plays, then passes out without a blanket at all, and then wakes up cold. Or at least that’s how I’m taking his wakings. I basically just place his blanket on him, and then he falls back asleep.
Convincing the Husband
With shelter-in-place allowing my husband to work from home without travel, he was able to start consistently running again. After a few weeks his legs were hurting from his progression. I had suggested magnesium a few nights, but he’s not a big fan of the pills that I currently have. He declined the offer, so I suggested the weighted blanket. He countered with sharing it only across our legs. It’s about “throw” size, so just big enough for one person, or it just barely fits across the bottom of the bed. We rearranged the blankets and he instantly said it felt great on his legs. He went on the rave about it the next day and we continued to sleep that was for a few weeks.
Mother’s Day came along and I received some money as a gift. I joked about getting us a weighted blanket big enough for both of us, and he was actually on board with the idea. So we bought a king sized weighted blanket.
I did a lot of research and read a lot of reviews. Eventually I settled on this weighted blanket for adults that included a cover. At the time of writing this, the price has actually jumped a bit. I had originally chosen it because I liked the look, the reviews, and the price. It’s still not a bad price considering we bought the 86″x92″. But if you’re invested and okay with weighting, check out to track the pricing. I love using that for checking pricing histories on Amazon products.
When the blanket arrived, my 5 year old enjoyed burying himself under it and trying to lug it around. It was A LOT fluffier than I had imagined. I had assumed that it would be minky on one side and smooth and cool on the other side like the ones I had gotten for the boys. It was minky on one side, but the other said it kind of just more minky without the bumps. So it’s FLUFFY. I could tell it would be warm. Honestly, it is warm. but it’s this cozy form of warm where I kick out one foot or leg, and they rest of me is perfectly cozy.
I do tend to sleep hot, but I haven’t had any issues once I started kicking a foot out. I can tell I’m sleeping much deeper, and much longer as well. It’s lovely. WARNING: it makes it even more difficult to get out of bed in the mornings though…
Have you ever used a weighted blanket? Would you ever use one?
DISCLAIMER: Simply Holly Jo and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. All material on Simply Holly Jo is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs.
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