I’m so excited to share this great Union Station family session!
Emily contacted me to say she wanted to surprise her mother with extended family photos for her birthday. Awesome! Great! I love it! The only problem was that it was January, and cold. Super cold. And there was only a three day window to get everyone together. We brainstormed some options and when Emily was ready, we set it all up and met up at Union Station.
First of all, we have lucked out on some super nice days/weeks this Winter. But this particular day was COLD. It was also windy. I was super thankful that we didn’t try to shoot outside. We had planned to venture out for a few shots if possible, but it was just not worth it. I’m so thankful for such a beautiful, and BRIGHT place to shoot in the colder months. I do love my nature backgrounds, but I also love architecture and character.
Due to the Chiefs heading to the Super Bowl for the first time in 50 years, there was Chiefs stuff all over. The giant KC MaHomes sign, a GIANT KC Chiefs banner in the main hall, two spinning arrowhead lights flashing all over the room, and people coming to see it all. We stayed in one area for light and photobombing purposes. Especially since we had two families of five to capture individually and with Grandma.
It time to capture all the arrangements we needed, as well as trying to avoid people in the background too much. The kids needed some motivation and were definitely over it towards the end, but they all turned out so great! As always, my favorite ones are the ones were people are just being silly and themselves. Those are my types of memory maker photos!
Here are some highlights from the session:

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