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I’m not really sure I need to convince anyone of the awesomeness of the Nugget couch, but I thought I would share our experience with getting one last year. It’s what many parents talk about, especially because they are hard to snag during their random releases that sell out in minutes. I was thankful to snag one myself last December less than two minutes after the restocking went live. And despite what my husband says, no, I did not stay up until midnight to get it, I simply set an alarm on my phone for 5 minutes until the 11 o-clock release, and then hoped fo the best!

How We Got Our Nugget Couch
I first heard about the Nugget a couple years ago in my online moms groups. People were in love with them, or searching for them, or simply showing off photos of their kids engaging with them. I was immediately intrigued. I popped over to their website to check them out. They seemed so fun, but then I saw the price. It seemed like a lot of money for basically a kids couch.
Honestly, I’m not opposed to spending more money on things I think my kids will truly love and use. I mean anything has to be better than cheap toys with buttons that make loud noises. I also love toys that engage them and can be used for multiple activities. Open Ended Toys. But I bookmarked it for another day. I always have this fear that I’ll spend good money on a quality toy and my kids will ignore it. THAT’S when spending lots of money on kids stuff gets to me.
So fast forward to last Fall. I was making up the kids’ Christmas lists. Lots of pajamas, toiletries, and outdoor toys. I love practical and outdoor activity gifts. I threw a Nugget couch on there just for fun. As the Fall moved forward, I started really liking the idea of getting one for the house. I finally decided on it as a joint gift for the boys right after Thanksgiving. AKA, right after their Black Friday sale, so they were sold out. But then they announced a December release the included TWO of my preferred colors. WIN!
I set my alarm. When it went off I loaded the website. I waited a couple of minutes, hit refresh a few times, and BOOM! It was live. Add to cart, check out, confirmation email. Success! I just hoped it would arrive by Christmas. There were no guarantees. But thankfully it arrived a couple of days early and we were able to give it to the boys Christmas morning.

How We Use Our Nugget
When we first set up the Nugget for giving it to the boys, I didn’t set it up as a couch. I immediately went for fort mode. I made two forts with blanket roofs to house the rest of their gifts from us. The boys were thrilled and curious. They had been tearing apart the couch for months using the pillows for forts, ramps, and trampolines. I was happy to have something else to redirect their creativity to.

They go on adventures, capture dragons, imprison siblings, watch shows, eat snacks, and hide out in their Nugget creations. It’s hardly ever in an actual couch shape. Some times they create connected, but separate forts for alone time. They love using the couch as a base, as well as incorporating the couch cushions. Which is definitely why some mamas have more than one Nugget! They also offer slight discounts when you buy more than one.

We’ve stacked up the bases for tables when the boys are sick, they’ve used them as jumping towers, and they just like to make tall towers and knock them down as well. My youngest is big into tumbling and loves to roll and tumble all over the mats.
And they aren’t just for kids! I’ve used it multiple times. I’m a big fan of sitting on the floor. It can be difficult at times, because then the boys think I’m in jungle gym mode. I’ve sat on the Nugget while working during quiet time. We sit there to read books. I’ve stacked up the pieces to make a game table, a foot rest, or just a place to lay down. It’s definitely something the whole family can enjoy.

The Successes and Failures of Our Nugget Couch
So, as I said before, I was worried we’d spend the money and the boys would ignore it. Honestly, some days they do. Some days it sits as a neat couch (that I’ve put back together in a pretty way), some days they are all over it building, tearing down, and fighting for territory, and some days it’s a mix of both. But no matter what, I honestly love it and think it’s one of the best purchases we’ve made over the years. I would have a whole room of them if I could. Floor couches for EVERYONE!
Alternatives Out There
There ARE some alternatives out there for less money. I’ve seen mixed reviews. I haven’t tried either of the ones below, though I was somewhat intrigued. The first one is more of a plastic covering, so it might be nice if you’re worried about liquids or anything. Honestly, I’ve never really had a problem. The Nugget covers zip off and go right in the washing machine.
The second alternative that I’ve found is actually kind of fun. I like the square shapes and different arrangements. I also feel it would be a great alternative if you don’t have a lot of room. The Nugget in couch form is quite big. The alternative below seems more compact and I feel like it would be great in a bedroom or a reading nook. So there are other options if you’re concerned about price or snagging one during a crazy restock.
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