It was a normal weekday morning. My husband and I had woken up, gotten ready, made breakfast and coffee, and released the kids. The weather was unusually cool and outdoor play required light jackets. Mainly because quarantine had kept me from dressing my boys most days. Why fight them to get dressed when PJs make…
mom life
A Hope for Spring, A New Struggle | #AllThingsNew
March is almost over and Spring is officially here. I had so much hope for Spring. Back in July/August of last year, I fell into one of my usual “funks,” and it somehow carried over into Winter. I have been dreaming about sun on my skin and grass under my feet. Of digging in the…
Realistic Expectations for My Kids | Surviving Parenthood
As a mom of two toddlers, I sometimes have a difficult time keeping the expectations of my kids within normal range. I don’t have a lot to base my gauge on since I was never really around a lot of small kids while growing up, or ever really. I’ve only recently dove into the world…
Four Ways to Ditch the Mom Guilt
Mom guilt is real. It is rough and can feel constant. Especially in this day and age. Today I’m going to share some things that greatly help me fight the mom guilt monster. Get around other moms As the saying goes, “It takes a village.” True story. When you surround yourself with other parents, in…
How to Encourage Your Kids to Go Outside
Are you trying to encourage your kids to go outside more but aren’t really sure where to begin? Well, I am still a work in progress, but let me share a few ways that have helped me… Go Outside This is pretty self explanatory. Go outside. Step out of your home and move forward. Most…
Surviving Hand, Foot, and Mouth | Round Two
I hate hand, foot, and mouth. It really messes up my schedule. As I discussed in a previous post, the boys came down with hand, foot, and mouth previously. Then about a month and a half later…spots started showing up on Wyatt’s diaper area. Okay, at first I thought it was just diaper rash. Maybe…
Surviving Hand Foot and Mouth Disease
I survived hand, foot, and mouth disease, and this is my story. They always tell you that adding kids to any equation means getting sick more often. “They” do not lie. Growing up I had my share of illnesses. Obviously I started out as a kid as well! But as a teen and beyond, I didn’t…
A Solution for Moms and Morning Coffee | Mom Hacks
All moms that like coffee know the “problem” with trying to drink your hot coffee in the mornings. You get distracted, or dragged away, only to find your once warm and comforting coffee cup hours later, cold as an iceberg. Eventually I just dealt with it. Chugging it down whenever I got a spare moment….
Staying Out of the ER | A Daily Mom Goal
So life is hard. Parenting is hard. It’s all just hard. It can be super amazing at times, boring at other times, and just plain hard. So often times I will get to bedtime and I’m just happy I survived the day. Lately when one of the kiddos is doing something dangerous…which is most things…