• Staying Out of the ER | A Daily Mom Goal

      posted in Kids, Motherhood by SimplyHollyJo on November 6, 2018

      So life is hard. Parenting is hard. It’s all just hard. It can be super amazing at times, boring at other times, and just plain hard. So often times I will get to bedtime and I’m just happy I survived the day. Lately when one of the kiddos is doing something dangerous…which is most things when you have a big head and uncoordinated body…I tell them some variation of “be careful” (usually trying not to actually say those words,) followed by “Mommy doesn’t want to go to the ER today!”

      Goals. We should always have them. That’s one of mine. I have two boys, so I’m told it’s probably going to happen, a lot, but goals aren’t always attainable. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have them!

      Sleeping toddler with a visible bump and bruise on his forehead. No ER visit needed.We have been to the ER once so far. That’s not to say my kiddos haven’t had their share of bumps and spills and close calls. Their poor heads. But only once, so far, have any of them been followed with a “warning” sign to get checked out, and, so far, there have not been any broken bones. Even that one time was pretty uneventful when it comes to ER visits. Little Man was fine, but he had fallen off a chair and smacked his head on the floor. Then he cried so hard that I think he made himself throw up. Well, bingo, that’s an “ER STAT” symptom, so off we went right at bedtime with a tired, upset toddler.

      Not again! Devil get thee behind me!

      Smiling toddler eating a french fry with a fresh gash under his left eye. No ER visit needed thankfully!

      I know that my boys will have bumps and bruises and blood, and probably even ER visits in their future, but that doesn’t mean I can’t make a goal daily to avoid them. Adventure on boys! I am all about the boys taking risks, increasing their abilities, and exploring. Let’s just try to keep it at the first aid kit level!

       A collection of five photos showing toddlers playing on equipment both inside and outside. Staying out of the ER doesn't mean losing play, exploration, and risk taking.

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