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It’s Prime Day ya’ll!
I’m going to share some of my favorite Prime Day deals!

1. Instant Pot DUO Plus 60, 6 Qt 9-in-1 Multi- Use Programmable Pressure Cooker
I love my instant pot. I have the 8 Qt so that I can make insane amounts of yogurt and stock at once, but the 6 is great too! Take advantage of the discount to try it out. I got rid of my crockpot and my rice maker, and I love it for hard boiled eggs and cooking frozen meats. I mean, it’s ridiculous how many times I forget to thaw things.
At just over $50, it’s a pretty great deal!
2. Life Straw
I love life straws! A handy, travel sized water filter that removes bacteria, parasites, and microplastics! Great for families that love benign the wild, or as a gift for hiking enthusiasts! And at just over $9, it’s almost half price!
3. Smarty Pants Vitamins
We love Smarty Pants in our house. They are yummy and the kids actually eat them. They also have methylated folate in them, which I love since I have the MTHFR gene mutation which means I shouldn’t take folic acid.
Not all of the vitamins are on sale though. The women’s and men’s each have a good discount or coupon. Though small warning, these are both limited deals. So hurry.

1. Melissa & Doug Wooden Fold & Go Barn
My boys LOVE animals and barns. I also love Melissa & Doug. This is a great little set for any kid. And it’s a wooden barn set for under $30. Win!
2. Nesting Sand Castle Buckets
I grabbed these fast! I love that they are nesting and I can just keep them in the car for outings. They will be great for collecting nature treasures, as well as using in the sand pit at Black Hoof Park.
3. Magnetic Tiles
We LOVE magnetic tiles for building and creating. These ones are a bit more sturdy than the #5 Magformers, but the Magformers are easier for little ones to handle. We have some of both kinds and the boys love them.
4. Natural Curved Tunnel pieces
Who else is obsessed with Grimm’s toys? Just me? Oh, well, they are so cool. I can’t ever commit to the price though. I’m sure they are amazing quality and fully worth it, but I always have a hard time paying over a certain price for toys if I’m not 100% sure my boys will interact with them. Just over $50 for this deal makes these much more doable in my mind. I can’t wait! (I also prefer neutral colors in my life, so natural wood is all the heart eyes for me!)
5. Magformers Neon 26 Pieces Rainbow neon
As said in #3, the boys love magnetic tiles. They build, they stack, they use them on the dishwasher, Liam even decorates the under side of his bed frame with them. I love them. They are also LOADS of fun for adults too!
6. Green Toys Farm Playset
This is a great little, space saving plastic farm set. If you aren’t bit into wood, or like the cleaning ability (or outside options) that plastic gives, this one is awesome!
7. Melissa & Doug Suspend Family Game
Oh my gosh. I love this game. Balancing sticks on sticks. It’s challenging and exciting. And there are different levels of difficulty to play, or you can just freestyle balance as you like!
8. Melissa & Doug Child’s Sofa, Coffee Faux Leather
My boys LOVE this sofa. It’s actually at my mother’s house, but they both gravitate toward it. We have so many fun photos of them sprawled on it. I also did Christmas photos with it one year.
Leather not your thing? They also have it in a blue fabric option for even less!
9. Hape Quadrilla Wooden Marble Run
Man. I drooled over this wooden marble run for years. The boys love their marble run. I mean I may no longer have ALL the marbles located…and they haven’t quite mastered setting up the run themselves, but they love it. It’s a great option for parent interaction, or for slightly older kids.
Have I mentioned I have an obsession with wooden toys?
10. Hape Gourmet Kitchen
This kitchen is awesome! And for just under $75, it’s ever cheaper than the awesome Ikea kitchen! And you don’t have to get lost in a store to buy it! Win-win.
11. ALEX Toys Little Hands String A Farm
Stringing toys. Here’s something that I always loved but honestly didn’t think the boys would really show interest. I was wrong. Liam LOVES threading the farm themed blocks. Wyatt even tries his hand at it too and isn’t half bad. Bonus, they also play with them as barn animals in general. Two for one. I love multifunctional toys.
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