I love being outdoors in nature. So Prairie Center calls to me. I knew the first time I ever saw it that it would be an amazing place for photos. I love shooting there. This awesome family came out in the summer evening, when it was still blazing hot, to capture some great images!
I attempted to give them some breaks from the sun and heat here and there. They were great sports as we navigated the beautiful prairie. I loved having the buildings to use as backdrops as well as some shade here and there. They also created a bit of a tunnel that gave us some much needed breezes. So thankful.

I’m always surprised that many families are a bit taken off guard when I want to capture Mom and Dad. They get their own photos too. You are important Mom and Dad! You started this family!

I love capturing in-between moments like those below. Kids thrilled to be done saying cheese, finding fun equipment to explore, and just strolling to our next location. This little guy did really well all things considered and was finally allowed to see the tractor when we were all but done for the evening.

Mom mentioned that she has a wall of photos were she puts up photos of each of the kids. That’s the kind of stuff I love to know! I always try to get shots of each kid if they let me, but it’s always great to know its something the family really wants out of their session. Prairie Center had the perfect backdrops for some beautiful portraits.

Bringing along Grandma and Grandpa is also great! It creates even more photos to cherish.

And lastly, what would any family session be without some shenanigans. I know family photos can be a lot to ask of little ones. They want to run, be free, and explore (especially if there is a play set near!) I try to capture them at their best, such as early on when I have their attention. That allows them to run and explore a bit more after their job is done. This little guy was D-O-N-E, done! I actually loved this moment. It’s one of my favorites. It captures love and reality so well! The big kids tried so hard, in a positive manner, to help out. It’s precious.

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