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It’s Fall Y’all!
Heh. I think I spent too many years in Texas! That word is everywhere. I actually had to look up how to properly spell “y’all.” I guess they didn’t win me over in the time I was there.
Anyway! It’s Fall! And this year I am actually living in a state that declares it loudly. I love it! I have been telling Liam for months that the leaves will turn colors and fall of the trees. Then he would get to rack them up and play with them! As soon as even a hint of color showed up he was super excited!
“Mommy! The leaves are changing! The leaves are changing!”
Then he would go off on a toddler rant about leaves changing, falling, raking, playing, mommy’s rake, daddy’s rake, his YELLOW rake…etc.

Well it finally happened. It also coincided with me getting my big girl camera out again. I hadn’t been using it much since the move. Also because both boys seem to attack it. Despite Wyatt’s angry old man faces, he DID love the leaves. He also loved helping us pick them all up and put them in the yard bags. He’s just been going through something lately where he’s super clingy and cranky. But THAT’S a story for another post.
Enjoy our Fall Family Fun.

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