Are you trying to encourage your kids to go outside more but aren’t really sure where to begin? Well, I am still a work in progress, but let me share a few ways that have helped me…

Go Outside
This is pretty self explanatory. Go outside. Step out of your home and move forward. Most kids want to be where their parents are, even if they don’t want to admit it. So when you model going outside, or making the outdoors a priority, then your kids will follow. (You can sneak back inside later if you want.)
Once you’re outside, go exploring. Find bugs, flowers, rocks, anything. Interact with the environment and discover new things. Encourage them to explore on their own and report their findings.

Look and Listen
What do you hear? Can you hear birds? Where are they? Is there traffic, lawnmowers, bees, wind in the trees? We get a lot of geese and airplanes. They are fund to look at. Look at your surroundings. Find new things to play with, or old things to play with in a new way. Have branches fallen that you could collect and use for building, crafting, sword fighting? Find some rocks to weigh down paper for some art, or maybe just get out those dusty bikes and have a race.
Buy, borrow, or rent books that talk about an explain nature and the outdoors. Books on building, books about ours senses, or maybe the plants or bugs that you might find in your own yard.
Get Physical
Climb, jump, crawl, balance, hang, swing. Don’t be afraid to get dirty. Take some risks. It helps you and your kids get stronger. Kids need to challenge themselves to learn and grow. Playgrounds, and trees for that matter, aren’t just for kids. You can get on them too and you will be healthier, happier, and stronger for it.

Stay Positive
Here’s one I love and actively have to train myself to do. Don’t be negative about weather. Try not to dwell on weather as “good” or “bad.” Focus on how that weather requires you to adapt.
“It looks like today will be a cold one, let’s grab our coats!”
“That sun is really hot, don’t forget our hats.”
“Look at the trees swaying! I think we might need our windbreakers today!”
Teach your kids to love the outdoors and be adaptable. Being outside has so many benefits and we shouldn’t let weather get in our way.
How do you encourage your kids to go outside?
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