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It’s sometimes difficult to think of things to give as gift ideas to family and friends for my boys. I have to navigate what things will be turned into weapons, and what things my toddler will only destroy or scatter across the house. So here are my current gift ideas for preschoolers.
Everything listed is either owned and well loved by my preschooler, or is something on his wish list. Many are things he has asked for or played with a loved outside of the home as well.

Snow Fort Molds
I saw our neighbors with these last Winter and my oldest was obsessed. He wanted to build! He discovered a great love of snow during our first Winter back in Kansas. He’s also discovered a love of building over the last 6 months or so, so I feel like this would be PERFECT for him. Obviously, DIY options like cups, tupperware, and other containers would do JUST as well!
Counting is ALL the rage in our house. We are working a lot on counting, curious about numbers, and even exploring addition and subtraction. What better way to keep the fun going?!?!
Paint sticks
My boys LOVE dot markers and they love paint. I’ve heard rave reviews about these and I cannot wait to try them! Paint contained in a easy to hold stick. Yes, please.
Toy Camera
We’ve had a V-tech camera for a couple of years now, but I feel like this one will be a slight step up. My oldest loves to take photos of his family and surroundings. I have a folder on my computer for all of his images, and I love it. I might be slightly biased. A smidge.
Rocker Board
This is a higher priced item, but I like it. It’s not used daily, but we do all sorts of things with it. We rock, we use it as a low seat, we use it as a bridge for toys, and a side wall for forts and buildings. Lots of options. Also, it’s rated for 485 lbs, so adults can join in on the fun! I like to rock on it myself, and I use it as a chair with the coffee table.
Magnetic Balls and Rods
Along with our Magformers and MagnaTiles, I love these. My preschooler got to play with them at church one day and fell in love. I love watching him create things, so things like these bring stars to my eyes.
Walking Sticks
We like to hike. My husband and I do at least. The boys like to be in the woods, but are still working on endurance and patience. One day my preschooler mentioned that he wished he had a walking stick so that hiking trails would be easier. Done. I also like that it comes in a set, because each boy could just use one.
Kids tool kit
Who doesn’t love tools? Both of my boys love to help and want to join in on the “fun” when my husband or I are working on a project. As a couple that enjoys woodworking and creating things, this is definitely something we want to encourage.
Dump Truck
My boys love trucks and taking things from place to place. This is a story truck that can be used indoor or out. It’s especially handy if you have mud or dirt outside to play.
Marble Run
We love our marble run. Honestly, it came with about 15 marbles and my toddler lost all but maybe 4, but my preschooler is getting better and better at making his own marble run mazes. Again, I love watching him create and see his hard work pay off.
Walkie Talkies
I’m hesitant to get this one at times because my preschooler LOVES to talk. He hardly stops. This might intensify that trait. But I need to embrace it, right? The missions him and his brother could go on…
PicassoTiles (Off Brand MagnaTiles)
I’ve mentioned Magformers before, which I love, but MagnaTiles are a bit more sturdy. You can build higher and grander things without them collapsing. They are pricy though, so we actually have the off brand listed above. They seem to work just fine (we’ve used the name brand elsewhere.)
I always encourage my boys to stop and explore their surroundings. I try to help them notice the small things. My husband still laughs that I taught my preschooler what “contrails” are and that he loves to point them out constantly. Binoculars are a great way to help them explore their surroundings.
We have this book about Germs and it introduced microscopes to my son. He has asked for one for months and I have had multiple people say that this one is a great starter microscope.
Road Tracks
Um, roads anywhere?!?! Yes please! This is a great idea. Another DIY option would be cutting open a large box (hello Christmas shopping benefits), and drawing rods on it for your little ones. Or let them draw them!
Small Trampoline
We have two. One on the main level, and one in the basement. I love telling the boys to “get your jumps out,” when they are extra energetic. I always need energy outlets, especially in the Winter.
Stepping Stones
Again, another energy expending toy. I also love that they can arrange and use them however they want. It works on balance and foot strength and problem-solving. Also, these specific ones come in soft earth tones. That pleases my decor ideas. They also come in bright rainbow colors as well for those interested.
Play Kitchen
Play kitchens are great in my mind. They go back to it again and agin to play, imagine, and explore. I don’t keep a lot of accessories, I just let the boys use their other toys and their imagination to cook things up.
Floor Mat
What’s better than a soft landing? My boys wrestle, tumble, and build things. They need a soft spot to land. I’m desperately trying to teach them to protect their heads. It hasn’t sunken in yet.
Cash Register
It’s all about the money. We once had a playdate where there were two cash registers. My preschooler played with one of them the entire time. He’s now received a “treasure” of coins from grandparents that he keeps in a treasure chest. I think a cash register is the logical next step. Money, buttons, and imagination.
Train Tracks
This is a given for most kids in general for me. I love the simplicity and that it spans different ages so well.
Lounge Chair
This one really calls to the photographer in me really. It’s just so stinking cute! I love Ikea kids stuff. The idea of this in a reading nook kills me.
Table/Activity Table
I’m a big fan of sensory tables. This great table from Ikea is a regular table, but the top pops off too and bins can be placed in it to create an instant sensory table. You could do rice, birdseed, water beads, or anything you can dream up. It’s also a great hideaway for toys and craft supplies!
House Slippers
I don’t know about you, but my boys steal MY house slippers. Good thing I never remember to wear them. At least these won’t require a hair band to make them fit their tiny feet.
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