Mom guilt is real. It is rough and can feel constant. Especially in this day and age. Today I’m going to share some things that greatly help me fight the mom guilt monster.

Get around other moms
As the saying goes, “It takes a village.” True story. When you surround yourself with other parents, in community, you share stories. You share your lives. When you open up about your experiences you start to realize that a lot of us are all going through the same exact things. Rough days, awesome days, in between days. It opens your eyes to realistic expectations of yourself and your kids. It also gives you a boost in self-confidence, and joy.
Get around other kids
Again. Realistic expectations. When you are around other kids that are the ages of your kid(s), you see how they act, and often realize your kid is perfectly normal. I feel like so many people expect children to be perfectly behaved, reasonable tiny adults. (Seen and not heard much?!?!) It’s just not going to happen, at least all of the time. Also, getting around other kids lets your child(ren) socialize and learn new lessons. Then you aren’t the only one telling them to share or be gentle. I’m still finding that happy balance of when to sit back and let the kids figure it out, or stepping in. They have to figure out some things for themselves.
A few ways I find community:
Kaw Prairie – A church that has open play in the gym and a cool climbing structure in Lenexa M-Th from 9-12:30
Mom’s Together – Westside Family Church‘s version of MOPS…but for moms of all ages (themselves and their kids)
The Foundry – Another church that has open gym during the week in Lenexa.
Bible study – I actually am a part of a bible study where moms bring our kids and do our best to do bible study while the little ones play around us.
Give yourself grace
We are all finding ours way day by day. It’s okay to falter, or even fail. I mean having mom guilt means you care. It means you are worried about doing well. When you are worried about doing something well, or not well, it makes you try to do better. It’s always good to self critique, we just need to do it in a positive way. So, if you are worried about being “good enough” then you’re probably doing amazingly already!
Say Goodbye
Go out. Have fun. Without kids. I know that’s easier said then done for some, but if you can manage it at all, do it. It’s not that you don’t love your kids or don’t want to be around them, you just need some time to have fun where you’re not watching after someone else. It relieves stress, feels good, and helps you realize that your kid WILL be okay if you aren’t with them constantly. You need “me time” to help you be a better parent. How can you take care of others if you aren’t taking care of yourself!
How do you deal with Mom Guilt?
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