I’m really loving these monthly Bible reading plans. The simplicity of planning out daily engagement with the Bible just works for me. I need small chunks to track instead of giant mountains, I suppose. I especially love when they are thematic. It’s nice to have a theme to focus on each month. So now you can benefit from my new love, as well as my researching nature. Today I’m sharing some of the February Bible reading plans I found online. I haven’t found many that are actually 29 days for a leap year. It makes sense to a point, but even some of the ones I’ve found for this year, or previous leap years, kind of just ignore that last day. So, break day? Up to you!
This plan is sweet and simple. Something nice to post on a wall somewhere and check off and you read. I love it. This site posts Bible reading plans every month.
Another site that posts monthly Bible reading plans. This one is super bright and fun. That might be needed for some of us really feeling Winter right now. This plan is more about short doses of scripture to write down each day and reflect upon. And they actually gave it 29 days!

Here’s another one that actually includes 29 days, but from a previous Leap Year. It’s also a write out and reflect plan. I really like these. They let you really dive in and focus. Some times I’m very guilty of reading my Bible and then not really taking any of it in after. I like having something to focus on through my day and let it truly sink in.
Is this one not super pretty? I may be drawn to pretty layouts. Clearly some of these people realize that. This one is labeled both by day and week since it’s from a previous year. The weeks part might get a little confusing to some since February starts on a Saturday this week. Unless of course you start your “weeks” on Saturdays already. To each their own!
This simple plan could be used as a writing plan, or just simply verses to read each day. It doesn’t matter the QUANTITY of time you spend engaged in the Bible, it’s all about the QUALITY of the time. I have to remind myself that often when life gets crazy and I don’t have large chunks of time to spend reading and reflecting. Sometimes just a verse on the wall will help me stop and think.

I just found this online this morning. A fun 29 day challenge by Austin Kleon for February. In his post he talks about giving up New Year’s resolutions and says he prefers to use February for changes because it’s shorter. I like that. Short doses. I’m all about small goals that build up to larger goals.
Austin suggests picking something to do each day and then a reward for when you finish it at the end of the month. I instantly felt this went along perfectly with Bible reading plans and staying engaged. Some people work better when there’s a checklist and/or reward! Set a goal and treat yourself!
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