**I received this product for free from the WeeSpring Parent Panel (weespring.com) to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.**
I was lucky to be chosen as a WeeSpring Parent Panel member years ago when my first was just born. I have thoroughly enjoyed the few programs that I have been able to participate in, and today I’m happy to share a review on the new Pivot Xplore All-Terrain Wagon Stroller from Evenflo.

First thing’s first…
Is it a Stroller, or a Wagon?
It’s BOTH!
For the last year or so I’ve been noticing the “stroller wagons” popping up here and there. I thought they were great inventions. The boys love wagons. I also love that you can use them for kids AND for stuff if the kids want to walk, or if they are older. I did not, however, like that I would have to pull them along behind me, or that they were difficult to transport. A wagon with a stroller handle though? Genius.
Now, to be honest, I have not used the other two main brands. The Veer is hard sided and I’m not a fan. It’s also $600, and that was a bit steep for me. The Keenz was a better price at under $400, but since I already own a double City Select stroller, it seemed like a LOT of money for kids gear.
Anyway, fate stepped in and I was chosen to try out the Pivot Xplore.
Some Facts about the Pivot Xplore:
It has a wagon style seating area but a long, wide handled stroller type handle. This makes it easy to push along like a stroller. That same handle can be released and moved over to the other side of the wagon, as well as shortened, to pull the wagon like you would traditionally.

It COMES WITH a cup and snack tray for space for two kids. There are multiple pocket pouches in and around the wagon to stash small objects or drinks.

It is rated for 6 months to 5 years. Each seat holds up to 55 lbs, and 120 lbs total weight with cargo. You can also purchase a car seat adapter to allow it to be used from birth. A great all-in-one option, I think. I’m unsure though if you could still fit a child in the wagon with the infant seat installed. I know that you can with the Veer.
Our First Experiences with the Pivot Xplore:
Around Home:
We happened to be outside with the lady from FedEx came to drop it off. My chatty cathy 4 year old literally kept her there for 5-10 minutes talking and asking her to dig holes with him, all while excitedly telling her we had a new stroller wagon. That’s my life folks. The introvert Mama to an extrovert 4 year old. I’m growing.
ANYWAY! WE put it together with away. It was pretty simple. Follow the instructions and it will probably take 5-10 minutes…unless you have two toddlers attacking and wind trying to steal instructions. So it took me about 15-20 minutes. (Maybe assemble it indoors? Heh.)
Immediately they both climbed in and we had to go for a ride. Thats what I like to hear. More walking time for Mommy! We headed on a decent length walk for us. The 4 year old got out here and there for cloud watching, and also asked the stroller to be moved into “wagon mode” a few times. I have to say it’s pretty handy for hills. When you’re tired of pushing up a hill, or just need a change of muscles!
We got home and our neighbor friends were out looking for us! So we went on another walk and demonstrated all of the wagon’s features for them. Again, the 4 year old is a sharer.

Around Town:
That same week we headed to Deanna Rose Farmstead to run and play. This is a great farm themed play/adventure park place. They have the popular red Radio Flyer Wagons at the front to use for free. So definitely a wagon type place. Also, LOTS of strollers. I decided to bring the Pivot Xplore. I never bring my stroller, because I think it’s too cumbersome and more of a pain than it’s worth. The wagon was a breeze though!
The boys loved it. They hopped in and out as needed. I could hear people commenting on how cool the wagon was, and was even stopped by multiple people asking for details. I was already so in love that you couldn’t get me to shut up about it. And if I did, my 4 year old didn’t. He was making me do full on demonstrations as people walked by.
We’ve gone on tons of walks since, using it as various outings successfully, and have hauled it all around town. Now I just need to take it to the Zoo and I think we will have done everything!
What I Like About the Pivot Xplore:
- It’s easy to push. Much easier to control than my inline double stroller.
- It functions as a stroller AND a gear holder depending on need and age of kids.
- You can purchase a car seat adapter for little ones when they can’t sit in the wagon yet.
- The sun shades are adjustable for changes in sun direction and are rated UPF 50+
- There are multiple pockets inside and outside of the wagon to stash small items or drinks.
- It comes with a snack tray that holds two cups and has a tray side for each kids. It is also easily removed if not needed.
- I love the storage basket that can easily be added to the front or back or removed if not needed. It can also be flipped inside the wagon if only one kiddo is using the wagon.
- Each seat holds up to 55 lbs, and 120 lbs with storage. This means I can use it for an extended amount of time.
- It’s easier for me to fold, lift, and unfold than my double stroller.

What I Don’t Like About the Pivot Xplore:
- It is a bit wide. My City Select is already pretty wide, but this is at least a few more inches wide.
- No cup holder for adults. Normal stroller handlebar cupholder attachments don’t work because there is no seat back to keep it from sliding down the handle. Since this product just released, I’m unsure if the Evenflo universal cup holder fits on the handle.
- The button to lower or extend the handle is right in the middle of the handle. This means you have to pull from one of the edges, instead of the middle of the handle when in wagon pulling mode.
- It is heavy, BUT not as heavy as my City Select Double.
- It does take a bit of a push, or a running start, to get over big bumps. (Think more uneven sidewalks vs dirt bumps).
- The brakes are pretty easy to use, but I do prefer my handle brakes on my double stroller. (Also, my toddler likes to lock them mid-walk…which is not fun while walking, and just ASKING for little fingers to get hurt.)
- My husband would prefer something that can be used to haul things around, like yard stuff. He would probably prefer the Veer functionally, but not cost wise.

I love this thing. I think it is definitely an investment, but you could easily have it be your main/only stroller with the car seat attachment. Both this wagon and the Veer can be used from basically birth to late toddlerhood, but this one comes in at a better price, and I personally like the aesthetics better. It’s easy and comfortable to push, and can be used in multiple ways. I’m all about objects that have multiple uses!
Hey there! I loved your review. I’m pretty much in love with this stroller too but I’d love to hear if it would fit my car seat. I have a safety first one from the travel system and a Chicco key fit. Did you get the adapter and did you try any other seats in it? Thanks!
Hey there! I’m afraid I did not get the infant seat attachment. I did check to make sure they made one, but I did not need one myself, so I have not tested it out. I use convertible carseats with my littles. Their site seems to say it’s only compatible with the EvenFlo seats currently.
Hello! Thanks for the review! How does the fold up size compare to your double? We will have 2 under 3 soon and debating between the Xplore and a double.
Honestly, it’s about the same. The wagon folds down pretty good and I always had to take off my second seat of my double stroller to collapse it as well.
Hello! Why can’t your husband use it to haul things? I haven’t seen it in person yet, but from the pictures, it looks pretty big. Is is the foot well that makes it less useful for carrying gear? Just wondering. We are looking at this for a beach wagon with only occasional rides back and forth to school for one five-year old. Maybe I’m trying to get 1 wagon to do the work of 2!
I would say, yes, the foot well does cause issues, but the soft sidedness also causes issues. My husband was talking yard work hauling, I still think it would be great for beach supplies, though I have not tested it on sand.
I have tested it on sand and it works great! Anything is kind of difficult in super soft sand, but gets easier the harder the sand is. I use the footwell as even extra storage! It also makes it more comfortable for the bigger kids, versus no footwell and them having to adjust. We love ours! Got it right before our second was born and still use it now that he’s almost two and my oldest is 4.5! They’re both pretty tall and it’s still amazing.