This week we did back to school photos with a hot air balloon theme. But first, let me tell you a little about why!
As an aspiring homeschooler, homeschooling is on my mind, A LOT. I have poured over information practically since my first was born 4 years ago, because I like to be prepared. Just like when I researched EVERYTHING about pregnancy and delivery for years before even trying to get pregnant. Yep, I’m THAT lady.
ANYWAY! Back on point. I have looked over numerous homeschooling curriculums and methods over the years and I have always loved the idea of motivating my kids to be outside more and learning through play. So early this year I took a plunge and purchased The Homegrown Preschooler curriculum. It’s a play-based preschool curriculum, though I’ve read of multiple people using it for all sorts of ages. It has tons of fun activities.
I bought it back then to look through before using, so I hadn’t started it yet. This September we are finally diving into the material. I’m super excited. It has all sorts of fun, yet simple activities and projects to play and create, but also be learning about math, science, the world, emotions, etc. It’s great. We were definitely already learning about all sorts of “school” stuff through practical activities and play, but I wanted to test out a more “structured” curriculum before I have to legally start homeschooling. I want to dip my toe in so to speak.
I may or may not be great with routines and need to work up to understanding a good flow and routine for our homeschooling home. Obviously this is the first month and I am in a honeymoon phase with the curriculum. I will definitely check back in later in the year when the newness wears off!
Up, Up, and Away
So one of the FIRST projects is a back to school photo. Of course! Homeschoolers can have them too! I’ve seen so many great photos online the last several weeks as kiddos went back to school.
For this one the theme is a hot air balloon, paired with a great book about a hot air balloon ride, and snacks for fun. This also came at the perfect time because only a week or two ago the boys and I were leaving Grandma’s house and a hot air balloon was RIGHT above the house and had clearly just recently taken off since it was SO close. It was huge and the boys were obsessed. Now every time we go to Grandma’s the expect to see a hot air balloon. That is sometimes a good thing and sometimes a bad thing.
I’m not sure if it’s a problem for ALL moms, or more so with moms who are photographers, but my kids do often have an aversion to getting their photos taken. At least set up shots. I may have done a few (hundred) in the past. So sue me. I love them, I love photography, and they are live in, free models. It must have been a God thing that a hot air balloon showed up that day because it was SO much easier to get the boys on board with a hot air balloon shoot. They were SO excited! Not that they cooperated 100%. This actually led more to them fighting over getting into the basket, but I’ll take what I can get!
So now that you’ve read all my rant about what led up to the shoot, here are my boys in all their hot air balloon glory!
Our Hot Air Balloon Shoot

Starting a New Chapter
So our unofficial first year of school has begun. Wish me luck in our new adventure. I hope to stay somewhat organized and on task, though part of homeschooling in my mind is going with the flow and shifting with our own needs!
Up, up, and away!
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