• A Solution for Moms and Morning Coffee | Mom Hacks

      posted in Motherhood by SimplyHollyJo on November 19, 2018

      All moms that like coffee know the “problem” with trying to drink your hot coffee in the mornings. You get distracted, or dragged away, only to find your once warm and comforting coffee cup hours later, cold as an iceberg.

      Eventually I just dealt with it. Chugging it down whenever I got a spare moment. the main problem with that is that I don’t drink coffee for the caffeine. I don’t feel like caffeine helps me at all, I simply like the taste of black coffee. Quality black coffee. Yum.

      Me about to drink my morning coffee.

      No matter what I did though, it was almost always ice cold once I got to it. When first brewed it was too hot to just have sitting around in any convenient locations because…baby. Then once it was warm-ish, I was off doing something or other because the day had officially started. Nap time would roll around and I would get a moment to breathe…and drink my cold coffee.

      I embraced the cold coffee. I even started to like it. Home was currently in Texas. It’s hot. A lot. I’m usually fine with hot drinks in the summer and ice cream in the winter, but occasionally I just need something cold in the heat. That’s when I decided I could join two things I loved…

      Coffee + Laziness

      Image of a bowl of oatmeal and a hand holding onto a coffee mug with a window and light rays in the background. Morning coffee is important.

      I started making cold brew. I started drinking cold coffee ON PURPOSE! And I didn’t have to water it down by adding ice cubes, or take the time to make coffee ice cubes (or buy ice cube trays for that matter.) Now I grind up some coffee, toss it in a half gallon mason jar (because mason jar fanatic here), fill it with water, close it, swish it around a smidge, toss it in the fridge and forget about it. Almost literally. I mean cold brew is suppose to be brewed like 12-18 hours, but mine are usually 24-72 hours. It’s delicious.

      Having my cold brew means I can drink it immediately. It also means that it’s basically done every morning. I only have to pour it into a cup while I feed everyone else, though my kids often decide they don’t like anything I offer them.

      When life gives you cold coffee, turn to cold brew.

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